What is the dress code for your wedding?

Summer Formal

Should I be vaccinated when coming to the wedding?

Yes. We are requesting that if you plan on attending the wedding that for the safety of others that you please be vaccinated.

Are children welcome?

To allow all wedding guests, including parents, a night of relaxation and uninhibited revelry, we respectfully ask that no children attend the reception.

Can I bring a guest?

We can only invite so many people, so we are asking that only those listed on invitations sent attend our celebration.

Will there be vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free food options?

There will definitely be something for everyone, please do include your food allergies and restrictions in your rsvp so we can inform the Chef.

Is there someone I can contact if I have any other questions about the wedding?

For all questions please email us at BEinLove722@gmail.com